The Steering committe will meet on Saturday 6th July 2024 at 7pm Trinidad Time This will be our final meeting before the day of the event. Please use the following link to join: https://zoom.us/j/95055769644?pwd=TmRlQTNTamhaNlZGS3BORkVpdTY0Zz09
The Steering committe will meet on Saturday 22nd June 2024 at 7pm Trinidad Time Please use the following link to join: https://zoom.us/j/95055769644?pwd=TmRlQTNTamhaNlZGS3BORkVpdTY0Zz09
The Steering committe will meet on 8th June 2024 at 7pm Trinidad Time Pleas use the following link to join: https://zoom.us/j/95055769644?pwd=TmRlQTNTamhaNlZGS3BORkVpdTY0Zz09
The Steering committe will meet on 11th May 2024 at 7pm Trinidad Time Pleas use the following link to join: https://zoom.us/j/95055769644?pwd=TmRlQTNTamhaNlZGS3BORkVpdTY0Zz09  
All  The Steering committe will meet on 2nd March 2024 at 7pm Trinidad Time, 6pm Eastern Time and 5pm Central Time https://zoom.us/j/95055769644?pwd=TmRlQTNTamhaNlZGS3BORkVpdTY0Zz09 Thanks  
All  The Steering committe will meet on 20th January 2024 at 7pm Trinidad Time, 6pm Eastern Time and 5pm Central Time https://zoom.us/j/95055769644?pwd=TmRlQTNTamhaNlZGS3BORkVpdTY0Zz09 Thanks  
New Years Greetings family Our fund raising raffle was finally drawn on Tuesday 2nd January 2024. We would like to thank all who participated in this effort and look forward to greater participation as we accelerate towards our big day July 13th. Raffle results 1st Prize  Omari Joseph   Seller Omari...
To all Fortune Family members Our Christmas Raffle is now organized and scheduled to be drawn on 22nd December 2023 Each chance is just 25 cents, however we are selling the chances in bulk of 4 at $1.00 each 1st Prize:  Galaxy Tablet 2nd Prize:  Food Hamper -turkey and ham 3rd Prize:   Drinks Hamper...
All please use the below link for our meeting   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82168424537?pwd=NlBIYlg0K1dzUDRzVXl0M01pRHYxZz09 Thanks Hugh    
Hello Fortune Family The Fortune Family Reunion 2024 scheduled for 13th July 2024, will be held at Well Fun Park, Cunupia Pass the word,  the committee is planning a fun day for our family to get together after more than 14 years since our last family reunion. Our first fund raiser will be a raffle...
1.  The date of the Fortune Family Reunion is 13th July 2024. 2.  Location of the event will be published after the next meeting. 3.  The next meeting of the planning committee will be held on 7th October 2023 7:00pm TT (Trinidad Time) 4.  Two new family members joined the planning committee:  Cryst...
Fortune Family Reunion Meeting Link
1.  Fund Rasing 2.  Venue for the family reunion 3.  Finances 4.  Out reach
Steering Committee members please use the following link to join the meeting tonight https://teams.live.com/meet/9331498149329                or Family Reunion Meeting Link
The following agenda items were discussed: 1.  Two dates was proposed for the family reunion 29th June 2024 or 15th July 2024.  2.  It was determined that a survey will be created to solicit family members preferences and input for the family reunion. 3.  Two proposed locations were discussed:  a Ha...
The Steering Committee will hold its first meeting via Teams on 29 April 2023 8:00 PM TT